Virgin Night by Christopher Robertson
Virgin Night by Christopher  Robertson

Virgin Night by Christopher Robertson

I liked the 1950s style and setting to this one. I do enjoy Christopher's style! It has a very nice charm to it. It felt right for the time and fitted with 's challenge nicely! It was my third outing with Christopher and I looked forward to a trip to Woodvale The story doesn't end there! Suzie Palmer returns and it's up to Buddy to help her whilst Woodvale descends into chaos.īack in February, over at we read this one. But one night when a meteor shower strikes Woodvale, and Suzie is murdered by Dash. Years later, Buddy and Suzue have gone their own ways, and Suzie is with Danny "Dash" Domico. Spoilers/ Review for My Zombie Sweetheart 💘🧟 by opens with an introduction to Buddy Day and Suzie Palmer, ten year old friends who can't be together because of the world around them. I had fun, I thought deeper about the state of the world, I said “a"Imagine a world presented in soft pastels of a colorized black and white film. Think Reanimator or Return of the Living Dead on a double date with Night of the Creeps or Slither. The horror parts of this book are wild in the best possible way. Personally, I am a huge fan of setting up each chapter like a scene from movie I genuinely felt like this pulled me into the scene more. For as heavy as the social commentary hits, for as pure and sweet as the romance is, there is also a very well done light hearted feel to the writing. I’ve set this book up as a boring romance novel with some sort of deep meaning haven’t I? I’m sorry, let me tell you about how absolutely batshit insane crazy this book also is.

Virgin Night by Christopher Robertson

I always associate “Zombie” media with having some form of social or political commentary, the good ones do anyway(thanks George!) and Robertson doesn’t shy away from addressing some issues that were touchy in the era the book is set, and sadly still today. The book takes place in the fifties and uses the romance as not just a plot to make people like me get all in their feels, but there are some real issues addressed here. Is that to say it’s almost a fantasy romance? No. The romance in Christoper Robertson’s book felt so genuine, so heartfelt, so nauseatingly adorable these are characters having a love story you wish you could have. There’s a great love story here, I’m not spoiling anything because the cover literally says “romance” so get over it. I sit here holding the book badger I’ve finished it trying to think of the last time I’ve read a book that made me say “EThe obvious thing you want me to explain on is the sweetness.

Virgin Night by Christopher Robertson

It’s really sweet, really gross, and really ooey gooey.

Virgin Night by Christopher Robertson

This book is like if you mix a million different kinds of ice cream, then some maple syrup, and a ton of toothpaste.

Virgin Night by Christopher  Robertson